Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Finally Shivansh confessed to her what he had in his heart for her.

Avni was looking at him with widened eyes,not able to believe what she had heard.

Shivansh was waiting for her to say something but she was just looking at him with her big eyes. 

“ Say something please”, Shivansh said, making her come back to reality.

Realising the reality, a big smile appeared on her lips and her cheeks turned bright red due to shyness.

“ Your feelings aren't one sided…..”, Avni said softly, making him jump in happiness.

“ Really?”, he asked, holding her hand.

Feeling his hand on her own, she turned the bright shade of red,which was making her more beautiful. 

“ Yes”, she said, nodding her head in shyness. He was getting lost in her innocence.

“ Will you be my girlfriend?”, he finally asked her to become his girlfriend.

“ I will”, Avni said, looking in his eyes.

Both of them got lost in each other's eyes, when suddenly the waiter entered the area with their order.

“ I hope you will like the dessert”, the waiter said to them with a smile, which made them come out of their love world.

They looked at each other with shy eyes and had their dessert before leaving the restaurant.

Both of them sit in the car and they make their way towards Avni’s apartment.

Soon they reached outside her apartment. Both of them climbed down the car.

“ I should be going now”, Shivansh said, rubbing the back side of his neck.

Avni didn't say anything, feeling shy

“ Bye”, Shivansh said softly,not knowing how to react.

Avni came close to him and hugged him, whispered, “ Bye”

She turned around and ran upstairs hurriedly, leaving him in shock.

He was looking at her with widened eyes. 

Realising what happened, a foolish grin appeared on his lips.

For the first time in his life, he was feeling such emotions. He was feeling like a teenager.

After a few minutes,he left from there and Avni saw him going from there through her Balcony.

She was very happy today. Finally they have cleared their misunderstanding and confessed their feelings to each other.

When she came out after taking a shower,she thought to message him and know whether he had reached or not.

“ Message me once you reach home”, Avni messaged him.

After a few minutes, she got a message from him.

“ I have reached home just now”, He replied, feeling delighted knowing she cares for him so much.

“ Good night”, Avni said,not knowing what to message further.

“ Good night”, he replied back.

For both of them,this kind of relationship is very new but they are ready to slowly explore together.

Both of them spend their night, thinking about each other happily.

Next day, Avni went to the hospital as usual. Her eyes collided with him, while crossing the corridor. 

Their eyes sparkled seeing each other. Both of them didn't have the time to talk with each other the whole day, due to their work commitment.

When her shift was about to finish,  Shivansh asked her to wait for him. He will drop her home.

Avni left the hospital with a smile on her lips. She was standing outside the hospital waiting for him when her eyes fell on someone familiar.

She went near the man and looked at him with familiar eyes.

“ What are you doing here Kaka?? Did Dad ask you to follow me?”Avni asked the bodyguard,hired by Adhiraj, to keep Avni protected from danger.

“ Avni beta….”, he tries to explain.

“ Let me call Dad”, Avni said and dialled her father's number.

“ Hello princess”, Adhiraj said, picking the call.

“ Hello Dad!! Can you please tell me why Kaka is here? I have told you that I want to live like a normal girl for this year,but you still send bodyguards here to protect me!” She questioned him.

“ So he got caught?”Adhiraj asked her.

“ Yes!! And now I want you to remove all the bodyguards around me”, She demands.

“ But Avni, it's not safe. They are there to protect you….”, He tries to argue.

“ Dad!! Here no one knows my real identity. In Mumbai,I am just a normal girl. Who will try to harm me here?”, She asked him.

“ But…”, Adhiraj tries to say.

“ No but …. Please remove all the bodyguards. It's just a matter of six months, I will be back soon….”, Avni said to her father.

“ Fine ... .As you wish but please be careful….”, Adhiraj reminds her.

“ Yes Dad!! I will”, Avni said, happily.

Soon the bodyguards left from there as ordered by Adhiraj. She was waiting for Shivansh when she saw him coming towards her, looking handsome as always.

“ Ready to go!”, he asked her.

“ Yes”, she replied with a smile.

They were making their way towards her apartment. On the way home, Avni looked at the ocean with sparkling eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by Shivansh.

He turned the wheel and drove towards the beach.

“ Where are we going?”, she asked him.

He didn't say anything,just gave a smile.

Soon they reached the beach, which was a little deserted due to night time.

“ Beach?”Avni said, excited to see the beach.

“ You like beaches?”, Shivansh asked her.

“ Like? I love beaches, especially at night. I always want to visit a beach at night,so I can admire the ocean and beautiful stars in the sky”, Avni told him, looking towards the sky.

“ Let's go…”, Shivansh said,and pulled her towards the beach.

Moonlight was making the view more breathtaking. 

They strolled around the beach, holding each other's hands, with a peaceful smile on their lips.

“ Tell me something about you?”, Avni asked him, breaking the silence.

“ Me?? There is nothing much to tell …”, Shivansh said, not knowing what to say.

“ Let me start then ……my colour is Blue…”, Avni told him.

“ Even mine….”, Shivansh said to her.

“ Really?? Wow”, Avni replied.

They talk about what they like and dislike most, while taking a stroll around the beach, enjoying their night time.

Later, Shivansh dropped her at her apartment, before going back to his house.

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A girl who loves to imagine more than anything and like to transform those imaginations into books which are world in itself with different characters.