Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Next day,when Avni woke up,she found herself in an unfamiliar room.

She hurriedly got up and looked around in shock.

She felt scared thinking where she was. Suddenly some scenes of last night flashes in front of her eyes. She remembered everything that happened last night and how she met Dr Shivansh.

She hurriedly left the room and went downstairs.

She was about to go outside when she heard someone calling her.

“ Avni”, she turned around and saw Shivansh's mother, Bhavna Oberio, standing in front of her.

“ Where are you going, my child? Have some breakfast…”, Bhavna said, coming near her.

“Ma’am…”, Avni said, feeling embarrassed.

She drank alcohol for the first time in her life,that was also by mistake and all this mess happened.

She was feeling so ashamed that she was not able to raise her eyes in front of his mother.

“ It's okay child. How are you feeling now?”, his mother asked her.

“ Okay”, Avni said in a weak voice.

“He had told me that you were sick and fell unconscious in front of him. Since he doesn't know where you live ,he thought of bringing you here…”, his mother said, in a concerned tone.

Avni was shocked knowing he had lied to his mother for her and saved her from being embarrassed in front of his mother.

“ I am very grateful to him and you,for letting me stay here”, Avni said,with an embarrassed face.

“ You must be feeling weak. Come and have breakfast with my family.”, his mother said to her.

“ There is no need, Ma’am. I am completely fine”, Avni said, wanting to leave from here as soon as possible,not wanting to face him.

“I insist”, his mother said to her.

“ Okay”, Avni said,with a small smile. She doesn't have in herself to turn her down again.

Bhavna brought her to the dining area where she saw Dr Chirag, a middle aged man, a young woman who was holding a one year old girl, sitting on the chairs,waiting for them.

Avni was a little shocked seeing Dr Chirag here.

“ Hey Dr Avni”, Dr Chirag said to her.

“ Hello Dr Chirag”, Avni said, politely.

“ You already know Chirag. Let me introduce others to you…my husband Varun Oberoi, my daughter Saanvi. She is married to my son-in-law Chirag and she is Siya,my granddaughter”, Bhavna said, picking her granddaughter in her arms, who giggled seeing her grandmother.

“ Hello”, Avni said to them with a smile.

“ Hello”, Varun and Saanvi said, greeting her.

“ Come and sit”, Saanvi asked her to sit beside her.

Avni sat on the chair, feeling a little out of place,since she was still wearing her night club dress.

But it was okay,since the dress was decent and not revealing at all.

Avni had her breakfast silently and left from there.

She took a cab and reached her apartment. She noticed her cellphone which had turned off due to low battery.

She hurriedly charged her cellphone and switched it on.

She saw many messages from Manvi who had asked her whether she had reached home safely or not.

She hurriedly replied to her and told her that she had fallen asleep as soon as she reached home due to which forgot to message her.

She noticed missed calls from her mother.

She hurriedly called her , knowing she would be worried.

“ Hello”, Avni said, calling her mother.

“ Where have you been Avni?? And why was your cell phone switched off?? You know I got so scared ..I was just about to tell you father and came there with him ....”, Mira said in a single breath.

“ Mom…Mom…. Relax…I am okay…. it's just I fell asleep and forgot to charge my cellphone…I am really sorry “, Avni said, lying to her mother,not wanting to make her unnecessarily worried.

“ Okay!! But please be careful in the future. You are staying so far away from us and it makes me worried…”, Mira said to her.

“ I know Mom!! I am sorry….I will never do it again”, Avni said, consoling her.

Later Avni went to the washroom to have a shower. During the shower, she was thinking about all the embarrassing scenes of last night.

“How will I face him??”Avni mumbled to herself.

After the shower, she got ready and went to the hospital for her shift.

As soon as she entered the hospital,she met Manvi who was waiting for her.

“ Ready for the shift?”Manvi asked her.

“ Yes”, Avni said and soon they got busy.

Avni thought to talk with Dr Shivansh and ask sorry from him for last night's stunt.

She went to his cabin but he was not there. She got to know from some colleagues that he had gone to another city for five days,due to some important surgery.

Manvi and Avni were going towards the cafeteria when Varun and Rohan collided with them.

“ Hello”, Manvi and Avni said, greeting them.

“ We don't want to have friends like you. If today, you can blame him due to your jealousy then tomorrow you can blame us as well”, Vansh said in a rude tone and they left without turning back.

Avni felt sad seeing their behaviour but thought to ignore since it doesn't matter to her what others think about her.

One week later,

It has been a week since that incident,but Avni still hasn't been able to meet Shivansh due to his absence in hospital.

In the morning, Manvi and Avni were busy in their work when they saw Vansh and Rohan coming towards them.

“ What are you both doing here with us? Where is your best friend Gourav?”, Manvi asked with sarcasm.

They bowed their heads, feeling ashamed.

“ We are sorry for not trusting you and behaving rudely with you both”, Varun said, feeling ashamed.

“ We had never thought that Gourav would be like this who can go to any extent to achieve his goal”, Rohan said to them.

“ So you finally got to know the truth?”, Manvi asked them, raising her eyebrows.

“ Yes”, they said, nodding their heads.

“ How?”, Avni asked them,not understanding how this truth came out.

“ Dr Shivansh somehow got to know the truth and he checked CCTV which revealed everything. Not only that, Dr Shivansh had cancelled Gourav’s internship as well. It's his last day in this hospital”, Vansh told them.

Avni was shocked knowing the truth.

“ Dr Shivansh is very strict and he never accepts the kind of people who like to cheat”, Rohan told them.

“ Really?? Dr Shivansh is really the best. He has made me his biggest fan after this incident”, Manvi said, smiling happily.

Avni was lost in her thoughts, thinking about why he had done this and how he got to know the truth.

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A girl who loves to imagine more than anything and like to transform those imaginations into books which are world in itself with different characters.