Chapter 3

Chapter 3

One by one all the interns were taken away by their department heads, leaving only the cardiologist department.

There are five new interns in the cardiology department, two girls and three boys.

They were waiting for their department head when someone entered the room.

“ Hello guys…I am Dr Vikram, I work in the cardiologist department. Actually our department head Dr Shivansh is not available today since he had back to back operation…Since Dr Shivansh is not available today,I am the one who is going to make you familiar with our department today and from tomorrow, you will work under your mentor. Dr Vansh, Dr Manvi and Dr Rohan will be under my supervision while Dr Avni and Dr Gourav will be under Dr Shivansh’s Supervision.”, Dr Vikram informed them.

Later he took them to their department and made them familiar with how their department works.

During lunch time, all five of them sit together and become friends.

While they were having lunch,they heard some gossip from some nurses and other staff in the cafeteria.

“Did you hear Dr Bakshi was scolded by Dr Shivansh in the operation theatre…”, one nurse said to the other, gossiping.

“ What's new in this?? We all know about Dr Shivansh’s  perfection behaviour….He is best in his field and wants other to do everything perfectly as well…Otherwise how could he have become the head of department at the age of 30….”, the other nurse told her.

“ True!! Due to his anger issues and strictness only,he is named Devil among his colleagues”, someone else said.

Five of them gulped their saliva, hearing about the strictness of their head of department, especially Gourav and Avni who were going to directly work under him.

“ I have also heard many things about Dr Shivansh Oberoi…..He is the only son of Mr Varun Oberoi,the billionaire businessman  and owner of Life care hospital chains…..His mother Bhavna Oberio is the M.D of our hospital and a very famous Neurologist…He had done many difficult operations with 100% success rate….I have also heard that he is going to be the next M.D Once his mother decides to retired…”, Gourav told them everything he knows about their senior Dr Shivansh Oberoi.

“ I am really worried about facing him. When it comes to work, he never hesitates to criticise his fellow doctors. Also I have heard that he had removed one or two interns last year due to very minor mistake”, Vansh told them, making them a little scared.

“ But I have heard that he is very handsome, making all the girls crazy over his looks and moreover he is still single”, Manvi said,with dreamy eyes.

“ Girls and their craziness over handsome males..”, Rohan said, shaking his head.

“ Don't you have anything to add on?”Gourav asked Avni.

“ I am new to this city so I kinda have no idea who Dr Shivansh Oberoi is…So no gossips to share with you all but I am very curious about our Mentor”, Avni said with curious eyes.

“ I hope all of us shall be able to finish our internship peacefully and by God's grace,get the chance to join in this hospital as the doctors”, Gourav said to them.

Avni smiled but didn't say anything.

In the evening,they finished their shift and went back to their home. 

Avni reached her flat and rested for sometime before facetime with her family.

She told them about her first day with excitement and about her new friends.

Next day, she got ready and reached the hospital.

After reaching the hospital,She and Gourav were asked to go to Dr Shivansh's cabin.

They knocked on the door, waiting outside his cabin for permission to enter.

“ Come in”, Avni heard a manly voice from inside.

They entered the cabin and saw a very handsome man, sitting on his chair, sleeves rolled up, reading a medical book, wearing spectaculars, looking really hot.

Avni felt herself getting lost in his beauty for a few seconds.

“ Dr Avni and Dr Gourav, right?”, He asked them, looking towards them with keen eyes.

“ Yes Sir”, they replied, looking at him.

He was radiating an intimidating aura, making them self conscious.

“ I hope you have learnt all the hospital rules and will work here with full dedication”, he asked them, raising his eyebrows.

“ Yes Sir”, they replied. He was looking at them from head to toe , analysing them.

“ I don't tolerate any kind of mistake. One mistake can make you pack your bags and get away from here. Did you get it?”, he asked them, raising his voice slightly.

They didn't reply to anything and heard whatever he said.

“This is a case file of a patient. Go and make a report on this file and tell me in detail the procedure of treatment. I need these reports before lunch time. You can go now”, He said, dismissing them.

They took the file and left his cabin with a heavy heart.

“ How will we finish some much work in such a short time?”, Gourav said, whining.

“ They have given a good name to him…Dr Devil”, Avni said, thinking about his arrogant behaviour.

“ Now we have no time to cry…. let's get back to work”, Avni said and they went to complete their work.

Avni worked hard and completed the report before lunch.

She knocked on his door and entered his cabin along with Gourav.

“ Good Afternoon, Sir!! Here is the report”, She said to him.

He looked at her, who was looking so simple and elegant.

He took the file from her and checked her report.

“ Hmmm!! You both will work for two weeks in the wards and handle patients of bed number 1 to 10 properly”, He ordered them and asked them  to get back to work.

“ Okay”, she said and they went to the cafeteria to have her lunch with their other friends.

“ How was your day??”Manvi asked her.

“ Don't ask!! We have such a hectic day…he is really a Devil…”, Avni said, complaining.

“ Really?? He is so bad??”Manvi asked her.

“ Yes!! We have to work so much on the first day itself”, Gourav said, whining.

“ In that case,we three are very lucky. Dr Vikram is very friendly and he helped us a lot today”, Vansh told them.

“ It's good”, Avni said, feeling a little jealous.

“ Is he really very handsome??”, Manvi asked her, whispering.

“ Yes we can say that he is a hot and handsome devil”, Avni told her, thinking about his impressive personality.

“ I want to see him. Please come with me…”, Manvi said to Avni.

“ No…No…I don't want to face that Devil”, Avni said, denying.

“ Please ... .we will look at him from far away…”, Manvi said to her.

“ Okay…”, Avni said and they went towards his cabin.

“ He is there”, Avni said, pulling her behind the pillar, asking her to take a look so they can go back.

Shivansh was standing with Dr Chirag talking to him.

“ Woh…he is so charming…We haven't heard anything wrong about him”, Manvi said, getting lost in his charm.

Avni noticed the small smile on his face when he was talking with Dr Chirag,which made him look more charming than before. 

She felt her heart skip a beat seeing his smile. It's not like she is seeing a handsome man for the first time. But her heart had skipped a beat for the first time for a man.

“ Have you seen enough?? Let's go before he sees us”,Avni said to her.

“ Yes”, Manvi replied and they turned to go back.

“ Dr Avni,Dr Manvi…”, they heard Dr Chirag’s voice.

Avni cursed herself in her mind before turning towards them with a tight smile.

“ Good Afternoon Sir”, Avni and Manvi said, greeting them.

“ Good Afternoon!! What are you both doing here?”He asked them while Shivansh had his eyes on Avni, looking at her who was giving them a fake smile.

“ Nothing Sir!! We were just looking around, getting more familiar with the hospital”, Avni said, lying.

“ Ohh ... .I thought you both had also come here to secretly admire Dr Shivansh just like other female staff”, Dr Chirag said in a teasing manner.

“ Nothing like that Dr Chirag, right Dr Manvi??”, Avni said, pinching her slightly, making her come out of her dreamy look.

“ Yes!! Yes!! Dr Avni is right. We should be going now…”, Dr Manvi said and they hurriedly left from there.

Chirag laughed seeing them running from there, while Shivansh looked at him with bored expressions.

“ Shivansh, How long are you going to trouble all these girls with your charming personality?? You know if they are not able to work properly, it's only because they got distracted by your beauty??”, Chirag said,in a teasing tone.

“ Beauty?? Seriously jiju?? And I think I need to complain to Di that you are looking at female staff more than necessary…”, Shivansh said to him.

“ You are my sweet Brother-in-law, right?? You will not like it if your jiju will be forced to sleep on the floor, right?? So please don't say anything to your Di ... .I will not tease you again”, Chirag said, sweetly talking to him.

“ I will think about it”, Shivansh said and left from there,showing some attitude.

“ These brothers and sisters will not let me live in peace…but what to do?I love them,especially my stupid wife….”, Dr Chirag mumbled under his breath and left for his cabin

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A girl who loves to imagine more than anything and like to transform those imaginations into books which are world in itself with different characters.