Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Author's p.o.v

We can see a girl in her early twenties, sleeping on the bed, wrapped in a blanket.

Soon a woman in her fifties entered the room.

“ Avni...get up…. it's already very late..”, the woman said to the girl.

Yes, you guessed it right. She is none other than Mira Raghuvanshi,the eldest daughter-in-law of Raghuvanshi family. And the girl sleeping on the bed is none other than Avni Raghuvanshi,the only daughter of Raghuvanshi clan.

“ Mumma…please let me sleep for sometime….”, Avni mumbled with her closed eyes.

“ Did you forget,what day is today?”, Mira questioned her , raising her eyebrows.

Suddenly her eyes opened widely,remembering something important.

“ Oh No!! Mumma why didn't you wake me up early…”, she mumbled and hurriedly got up, picking her cellphone.

Mira shakes her head in disbelief seeing this girl's behaviour and starts cleaning her room.

Avni checked her email since she was expecting an important email today.

She noticed the important email. She prayed to God before opening the email. Her eyes widened reading the email.

A smile carved on her lips,as she continues to read the e-mail.

“ Mumma …I got it …I got the internship”, Avni said, screaming and running towards her mother, hugging her tightly.

“ Finally I will do my internship in India's best hospital”, Avni said happily.

“ I am proud of you”, Mira said, kissing her forehead.

“ Thank you,Mumma. It would have never been possible without you”, Avni said with an emotional smile.

“ It's your hard work and dedication”, Mira said, touching her cheek.

“ I am so happy today”, Avni said, smiling widely.

“ All of this is okay. But have you thought about how to convince the male of this family?? Do you think they will let you go far away from their eyes for the whole year?”Mira questioned her.

“ Yes, I have thought about this. Firstly I will convince Dad and you are going to help me. Once Dad agreed then no one will be able to refuse him”, Avni said to her mother.

“ And what about triplets?”Mira questioned her.

“ Can they say no to their one and only sister?”, Avni asked her mother, raising her eyebrows.

“ Great!!”, Mira said, giving her thumbs up.

“ Now get ready and come downstairs. I will make your favourite breakfast”, Mira said and went downstairs.

She entered the kitchen where her two daughter-in-laws were making something.

They are Naina Ahaan Raghuvanshi and Mehak Aarav Raghuvanshi,who both are sisters.

Ayaan and Aarav have gotten married with these two sisters. They had an arranged marriage and now the couples are happy together.

“ Good morning,Mom”, they said, greeting their mother-in-law.

“ Good morning!! What are you both doing?”Mira asked them.

“ We are making Avni's favourite breakfast”, they said together.

Avni is not only the favourite of her brothers but also her cute bhabhi's as well.

“ I came to make her breakfast only”, Mira told them.

“ Mom, you should rest and leave everything to us”, Naina said to Mira.

Mira smiled and caressed their faces lovingly.

“ It's okay!! Let me help you”, Mira said and the three of them started working together.

“ Good morning bhabhis”, Avni said, entering the kitchen.

“ Good Morning”, Naina and Mehak replied with a smile.

Avni ate her breakfast wholeheartedly, while talking with her sister-in-laws.

“ Mom, where is Ayush bhaiyu?”Avni asked Mira.

“ I don't know…you know him right ... .He likes to trouble me the most”, Mira said, sighing.

“ Why don't we find a bride for bhaiya?”Mehak said to Mira.

“ I have talked to him many times but he is not ready to get married. He is the eldest among the triplets and at that time,I had wanted him to get married together with his brothers but he opposed it strongly”, Mira said, sadly.

“ Mom don't worry…I am sure bhaiyu will get married when he will find his destined girl”, Avni said,side hugging her mother.

“ Yeah”, Mira said, sighing.

Avni was in her room, arranging her books when she got a call from her grandparents.

“ Good morning,Dadu”, Avni said, greeting them.

“ Good Morning, Princess. How are you??”, her grandfather, Ranbir Raghuvanshi, asked her.

“ I am fine dadu…How are Kavya dadi, Kartik dadu, Nandini dadi, Kabir Chachu , Aastha Chachi and Ronak?”Avni asked about her grandmother and her grandfather’s brother's family.

Her grandparents, Ranbir and Kavya, had gone to another city to attend some function along with Kartik’s family.

The Raghuvanshi family is not like those big families which have conflicts in between them. Raghuvanshi family is a very close knit family,where everything cares about each other. They are a very big joint family,who have lived happily together for many years.

“ Everyone is fine and missing their princess alot”, Ranbir told her, making a sad face.

“ Dadu let me talk to Avni”, she heard her cousin brother, Ronak's voice.

“ Hello”, Ronak said to her.

“ Hello bhaiya”, Avni said to him.

“ I am missing you. You should have come with us”, Ronak said, pouting.

“ You were the one who was most excited about the function”, Avni said in a teasing manner.

“ I know but without you I am feeling bored”, he said, complaining.

“ Then come back soon”, she said to him.

“ I want to come back today itself but Mom is not letting me”, he said, making a bad face.

“ It's okay!! Go and enjoy it there. Who knows maybe you will find my bhabhi there”, she said, teasing him.

“ Yes!! You are right. Why didn't I think about this?? I will call you later, right now I have important work to do”, Ronak said and cut the call.

Avni looked at the cellphone in disbelief.

Later in the evening, Avni went to her mother and helped her make her father's favourite dessert.

After dinner, they both went to his study with his favourite dessert, to convince him about the internship program.

“ Dad, look what I got for you?”Avni said, looking at her father grinning widely.

Adhiraj turned towards them and looked at them from head to toe, who was giving him big smiles, showing their teeth.

“What do you want to convince me about?”he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Avni looked towards her mother, asking her to talk. At the same moment, Mira looked at her, asking her to start talking.

“ Are you both going to talk or not?” Adhiraj asked them.

Avni looked towards her mom and pleaded through her eyes to talk with Dad.

“ Actually Adhiraj... .Avni had applied for the internship in a big hospital and she had gotten selected”, Mira told him.

“ That's great!! Congratulations”, Adhiraj said, giving Avni an encouraging smile.

Avni gave him a nervous smile, getting worried about his response.

“ When do you need to join and which hospital?”Dad asked her, looking her in the eyes.

Avni looked towards her mother who gave her an encouraging smile.

Avni took a deep breath and said, “ Life Care Hospital which is located in Mumbai.”

“ What?? No way…I am not letting you go to Mumbai, away from all of us”, Adhiraj said, getting up from his chair.

“ But Dad, it's my dream hospital. It's just a matter of a year. Once the internship is finished,I will come back”, Avni said, trying to convince him.

“ For a year?? No!! If you want you can join any hospital here or I can buy any hospital for you to manage but it has to be in our city”, Adhiraj said to her.

“ That's the problem Dad …I don't want you to buy any hospital for me…I want to do something on my own ….just as Avni and not Avni Raghuvanshi….I want to make friends who are with me for me and not because I am a member of Raghuvanshi family. Dad .. please give me this year…after that I will do as you say …I will not go away from you …just this year please..”,Avni said pleading with him.

Adhiraj looked at her but didn't say anything, making her nervous.

“ But how will we stay away from you and how will you stay there alone?? No…I can't imagine you staying there alone..”, Adhiraj said, shaking his head.

Avni looked towards her Mom, indicating to her to say something.

“ Come on Adhiraj ... .why are you behaving like this ... .one day your princess has to go away from you and us. Once she gets married then what will you do?? Won't you let her get married the whole life?”, Mira questioned him.

“ She is a kid right now..we will talk about her marriage later on”, Adhiraj said, trying to change the topic.

“ Kid?? Seriously?? If you are forgotten then let me tell you she is 22 years old and a doctor…”, Mira said with sarcasm.

Avni went near her mother and whispered, “Mumma, stop talking about my marriage and start talking about my internship in Mumbai”

“ Yes”, She whispered back.

“ Avni is going to Mumbai and this decision is final. It's not like she is going to another country. We can go to meet her at any time.”, Mira said with a stern voice.

“ But…”, Adhiraj tried to argue.

“ No more arguments…it's about her happiness and I am sure you want to see her happy….”, Mira said, making Adhiraj accept defeat.

“ Fine!! Had I ever win against you mother, daughter duo…..”, Adhiraj said, making Avni smile.

“ Thank you,Dad”, Avni said, jumping in happiness and running towards him, hugging him tightly.

“ But I have a condition ... .You will need to call me at least 6 times a day, you will have your food on time and you will stay away from those stupid boys.”,he said, making bad faces.

“ Okay!!”, Avni said, laughing loudly.

“ When do you need to leave?”Adhiraj asked her.

“ After a week”, Avni told him happily.

“ Okay!! We will go to drop you there”, Adhiraj told her.

She was about to deny it but stopped seeing him looking at her with stern eyes.

“ As you wish”, Avni said, rolling my eyes slightly

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A girl who loves to imagine more than anything and like to transform those imaginations into books which are world in itself with different characters.