Author's Note

Hello my dear readers,

Thank you for your love and support. And I wish you all will continue to support my work.

It's difficult to part away from our favourite characters in the books but one day,we have to face it. Unfortunately today is the day.

Your and mine favourite book has reached to its end. Only Bonus chapter is left, which I will publish after June 24.

I will soon start a new book, hopefully this month only. I have two stories in my mind. One is sequel to this one and other is independent one. I haven't decided yet which I am going to write.....

Please continue to support my work. Have a nice day 😊 😊

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I always tries my best to make my readers connect with our book characters just like I am emotionally connected with them. I hope you guys like my books. Please continue to give love and support to my works

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A girl who loves to imagine more than anything and like to transform those imaginations into books which are world in itself with different characters.