Chapter 1

Chapter 1

We can see two groups fighting in the college.

“ You just watch, our Rithvik is going to become the College President”, one Man said screaming.

“ No,our Naira is going to win the college elections”, one girl from the opposite group screamed.

“ Let's bet”, someone from Rithvik's group said.

“ Yes, let's bet”, A boy from Naira’s group said.

Soon, a girl and boy from both the groups came in front and faced each other.

“ I bet on my win”, Naira said,with arrogance.

“ And what if you lose?”he questioned her.

“The loser will work for the winner as his/her assistant for two weeks”, Naira offered.

“ Done,Miss Raichand”, Ritvik said, extending his hand.

“ Get ready to lose,Mr Malhotra “, Naira said to him, giving him a smirk.

Both the groups turned around and left the ground with their group leaders.

Soon the election campaigns started in college. All the teachers are tired of the rivalry between Naira and Rithvik's groups.

One day, Rithvik was in his flat when he got a call from his mother.

“ Hello Mom!! How are you?”, he asked his mother happily.

“ I am good. Next week your brother is getting married to Sneha. So came back as soon as possible”, His mother informed him.

“ Next week?? Why so suddenly?”, he asked his mother.

“ Don't ask questions,just come back and please bring Naira with you as well”, his mother told him.

“ Why her?”, he questioned.

“ If you are forgetting, your brother is getting married to her sister. She also needs to be here for marriage”, his mother said to him.

“ I know!! I will be there and I will bring your favourite Naira with me as well”, Rithvik said and hung up the call.

Unfortunately, his childhood enemy, Naira, is also his neighbour and they had practically grown up together . From childhood, they don't like each other and try to win against each other in academics and sports. Sometimes, she wins and sometimes, he wins.

And now, her sister,Sneha is getting married with his elder brother,who has a good bond, unlike them.

He dialled her number and she picked the call after two rings.

“I am sure, Aunty has already told you about arrangements?”he questioned her.

“ Yes”, she replied.

“ I will pick you up tomorrow at 9 o’clock, from the usual place”, he said and hung up the call.

In college,no one knows about them being neighbours. Whenever,he needs to take her home, they meet at a place, slightly away from their college and her hostel.

Next day,

He reached the place and started waiting for her.

“ Where is she?? Damn!!”, he cursed.

After two minutes, Naira opened the car door and sat on the passenger seat.

“ Let's go”, Naira ordered him.

“ Excuse me!! I am not your driver”, Rithvik said, angrily.

“ For today,you are. If you don't believe me, I can call aunty and she will tell you”, Naira said, showing her innocent face.

“ You!!”, Rithvik said, angrily.

It took them three hours to reach their home. The whole journey,they were fighting like children, trying to irritate each other.

As soon as they reached home, Naira ran to his home to meet his family.

“ Hello uncle, Aunty ... .I am back”, she screamed as soon as she entered his house.

“You are finally here. I missed you so much “, his mother said to her.

“ I missed you too, Aunty”, Naira said, giving her a hug.

I have made your favourite Shahi paneer”, his mother told her excitedly.

“ Yes ... .yes ..you will only make her favourite dishes like she is your daughter and I have no relation with you”, Rithvik said with jealousy, entering the house.

“ Looks like someone is jealous”, Naira said, teasing him.

“ Jealous of you? No way!! I will go to my favourite Aunty. I am sure she had made my favourite Rajma chawal”, he said, talking about Naira’s mother, teasing her.

“ Enough! When are you both going to grow up and stop fighting like children”, Rithvik’s father said, making them stop.

“ Sorry”, both of them mumbled,with their faces down.

“ Leave the children alone,you old man. Come Naira let's have lunch”, his mother said.

“ Give me a few minutes. I haven't met my parents yet. I will come back soon”, Naira said and ran to her house.

“ This girl”, Rithvik said, shaking his head.

“ Leave her!! Tell me where is Ronak Bhai?” Rithvik asked about his elder brother.

“ He has gone to meet his friend”, his father informed him.

“ Ohh”, Rithvik said and went to his room.

One week later,

It has been a week since Naira and Rithvik had come back from their college for their siblings' wedding.

Today is the day when Naira’s sister Sneha and Rithvik’s brother,Ronak, get married.

But the problem is ,both the groom and the bride are missing right now.

Both the Raichand and Malhotra families are sitting in a room, discussing what to do next.

“ Haven't you guys asked them whether they want to get married or not?”, Rithvik asked his and her parents.

“ Ofcourse, we had asked them. Only when they said yes, we started further preparations”, his mother told him crying.

“ Why are you crying,Mom?”, he said to his mother.

“ If you talk so rudely with aunty so obviously she will cry”, Naira said, sitting beside his mother, trying to console her.

“ Stop interfering between me and my mother”, he said, angrily.

“ Naira, Rithvik, both of you go outside. We elders are going to discuss something important”, Naira’s father said to them.

Both of them obeyed and went outside the room.

“ They throw us out just because of you”, Rithvik said, blaming her.

“ Me?? It happens because of you”, Naira said and they started fighting with each other.

They were busy fighting and didn't notice when their parents came outside.

“ Do you think our decision is right?”Naira's father asked Rithvik's father.

“ We don't have another choice”, Rithvik's father said.

“Rithvik, Naira “, Rithvik's father called them.

“Yes”, both of them said together.

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A girl who loves to imagine more than anything and like to transform those imaginations into books which are world in itself with different characters.