Chapter 1

Chapter 1

We can see a beautiful girl coming out from a big building.

Her name is Mira Kapoor. She is 28 years old and working in a big company as an assistant in Delhi. She had just completed her shift and now she is ready to go for her another job. She is also working in a hotel as a receptionist at night.

When she is already working in a big company from 9 to 5 then what's the need to work in a hotel at night, right??

Actually, she needs a large amount of money for her younger brother, Manav Kapoor, who is suffering from cancer. He has been suffering from this disease for the last two years, when he was only twelve.

At the age of 14, when other children are enjoying their life, he is forced to stay at the hospital and fight for his life.

Mira needs around 50 lakhs INR for his surgery.

She has two siblings, Manav and Riya, whose responsibility is on her. She is their legal guardian. They had lost their parents when she was only 17 and her siblings were very small, especially Manav. He was only three years old at that time while Riya was eight years old.

They had lived in an orphanage for a year before Mira turned 18. After becoming an adult, she took their responsibility and became their guardian. She had raised them not as a sister but more like a mother.

She is everything to them. She loves them a lot. She can't let anything happen to her siblings. So, she is working day and night to gather money for her brother's treatment.

She was on the road, making her way towards the hotel for her second shift when she received a call from her sister Riya.

Riya is nineteen years old and doing her graduation in business administration. She also wants to help Mira by doing some job instead of studying but Mira doesn't let her.

Mira doesn't want to burden her little sister. She wants her sister to complete her studies and have a good life in the future.

To help Mira, Riya is doing a part time job as an online tutor and taking care of their little brother in the absence of Mira .

" Hello, Riya!!"Mira said to her sister, Riya, picking her call.

"Mira Dii .... Diii, please come fast!!"Riya said, hurriedly, making Mira worried.

"What happened??", Mira asked her, worriedly.

"Manav is not fine. He is coughing continuously. I have brought him to the hospital",Riya said, crying.

"You don't worry. I am coming...."Mira said before hanging up the phone and hurriedly left for the hospital.

After a few minutes, Mira reached the hospital.

Riya was standing outside the ICU, crying continuously

"How is he??",Mira asked Riya,after reaching the hospital.

" Dii", Riya said, hugging Mira tightly.

"What happened, Riya?? What did the doctor say?",Mira asked her.

"They are doing some tests…", Riya replied, crying.

"Relax!! He will be fine.", Mira said, comforting her.

After a few minutes, the doctor came outside and asked Mira to meet him in his cabin.

"You wait here!! I am coming after meeting the Doctor.", Mira said to Riya and went to the Doctor's cabin.

Mira knocks on the door before entering the cabin.

"Doctor!! How is my brother??",Mira asked the Doctor.

"Calm down, Miss Kapoor!! Please sit down…",the Doctor said to her.

"How is he??", Mira asked him, feeling scared.

"He is very critical. His situation is getting worse day by day", the Doctor said with a serious face.

"We need to do his surgery as soon as possible otherwise he will not be able to survive..", Doctor told her.

"How much time do we have Doctor??", Mira asked him, crying.

"At most, one month. We need to do his surgery within this month otherwise…",He said, sadly.

"One month?? But Doctor, you know my financial condition…", Mira said, not knowing how to arrange the money for the operation.

"I know but we don't have any choice. If it was in my hands, I would have helped you…", the Doctor told her.

"You need to arrange around 50 lakhs within this month, otherwise it will be too late.", the Doctor told her.

Mira was crying thinking about her brother.

" Thank you, Doctor!! I will try to arrange the money as soon as possible,"Mira said and went outside.

After controlling her emotions, She went to her brother's hospital room..

Her brother,Manav, was lying on the bed, looking very weak.

" Dii", He said, weakly

"I am here!!"Mira said, softly, holding his hand.

"Are you feeling pain anywhere??",Mira asked him.

"I am fine!! You don't worry",He said, smiling weakly.

"Sleep for sometime. You will feel better.",Mira said, giving him a small smile

After a few minutes, he fell asleep due to the medicine.

"What did the doctor say??"Riya asked Mira .

Mira doesn't know what to say...

" Please tell the truth, Dii.How long are you going to face everything alone??"Riya said, knowing her sister's nature very well.

Mira decided to tell the truth to Riya.

"Manav's situation is getting worse", Mira told her.

"He needs surgery as soon as possible.", Mira said with a sad face, trying to control her tears.

She can't have a breakdown in front of her siblings. She needs to stay strong for Manav and Riya.

"Now what will happen?? How much money we need??",Riya asked Mira , worriedly

" 50 lakhs",Mira told her.

"How will we arrange this large amount of money??Riya asked her.

" You don't worry, I will manage something", Mira said, side hugging her.

"Should we try to ask for help from Tara Dii??", Riya asked Mira

"Let me think about it.", Mira said, lost in her thoughts.

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A girl who loves to imagine more than anything and like to transform those imaginations into books which are world in itself with different characters.